Considering office space in 38-50 Pritchards Road?
View the current availability, rental figures as well as amenities and office specifications for Hackney, London, E2 9AP.

Our team are experts on 38-50 Pritchards Road
Get in touch for more information and the latest availability. Contact us today.
A modern industrial/warehouse building converted in to a selection of studio/office spaces. The property is located on Pritchards Road, a few minutes walk from Broadway Market and London Fields. Rents are inclusive of gas, electric, building insurance and service charge.
A new lease is available directly from the Landlord.
38-50 Pritchards Road Office Gallery
Location known for its concentration of creative companies found in spaces such as Containerville, and other independent retail and office spaces.
WALKING TIMESFrom the building
Cambridge Heath7 Minutes
Bethnal Green12 Minutes
Location known for its concentration of creative companies found in spaces such as Containerville, and other independent retail and office spaces.
WALKING TIMESFrom the building
Cambridge Heath7 Minutes
Bethnal Green12 Minutes
Misrepresentation Act: No description or information given whether or not in these particulars and whether written or verbal (‘information’) about the property or its condition or its value may be relied upon as a statement or representation of fact. The Workplace Company has any authority to make any representations and accordingly any information given is entirely without responsibility on the part of the agents or the seller. The photographs show only certain parts of the property at the time they were taken. Any areas measurements or distances given are approximate only. Any reference to alterations to, or use of any part of the property is not a statement that any necessary planning, building regulations or other consent has been obtained. These matters must be verified by any intending buyer. Any buyer must satisfy himself by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of any information given.
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